Steel Club Full Body Workout

Full Body Beginner Clubbell Workout

Instructions: Perform 60-seconds of the following 10 clubbell exercises, rest 60 sec’s and perform 45 sec’s of each clubbell exercise, rest 60 sec’s then perform 30 sec’s of each clubbell exercise. Exercises: Clubbell Two-Handed Rock-it Clubbell Two-Handed Arm Cast Clubbell Two-Handed Shoulder Squat Clubbell Two-Handed Torch Press Clubbell Two-Handed Barbarian Squat Clubbell Two-Handed Flag Press…

Steel Club Shoulder Workout

Beginner Clubbell Shoulder Workout

Instructions: There are 3 rounds in total with 2 Clubbell exercises in each round. Then perform 12 reps of clubbell exercise (a) followed by 12 reps of exercise (b). Complete as many sets as possible in 3-mins. Rest 30 sec’s after each round and power through as AMSAP for 15-min’s. Round 1: Clubbell Alternating Shoulder…

Steel Club Upper Body Workout

Upper Body Beginner Clubbell Workout

Instructions: Perform as many reps and as many sets of the following clubbell exercises, try to rest as little as possible, but rest whenever needed. Exercises: Clubbell Alternating Shoulder Cast Double Clubbell Double Clean Double Clubbell Arm Cast To Flag Press Give it a go! Dan Dangerously Fit Clubbells P.S. Want to learn more about…

Steel Clubs Leg Workout

Beginner Clubbell 15-Minute Legs Workout

Instructions: Perform as many reps and as many sets of the following Double Clubbell exercises, try to rest as little as possible, but rest whenever needed. Exercises: Double Clubbell Swipes Double Clubbell Barbarian Squat Double Clubbell Rock it Give it a go! Dan Dangerously Fit Clubbells P.S. Want to learn more about clubbell training? Check…

clubbell australia

The Clubbell 5’s Workout

Instructions: Perform 5-reps of 5 Clubbell exercises for 5-sets with a 50-sec rest between stets. Exercises: Clubbell Lunge & Twist (each side) Clubbell Single Clean (each side) Clubbell Swing Squat Clubbell Single Shoulder Cast (each side) Clubbell Single Side Rock-it (each side) Give it a go! Wishing you good health, Dan Dangerously Fit Clubbells P.S.…

beginner workout

Beginner Clubbell Workout

Instructions: Perform 10 reps of each Clubbell exercise for 3 sets with a 60 sec rest between sets. Exercises: Clubbell Single Rock-it Clubbell Single Shoulder Clean Clubbell Single Arm Cast Clubbell Single Swing Clubbell Single Swipes Clubbell Single Torch Press Repeat Clubbell exercises on other arm. Then, perform 2 more sets. Enjoy 🙂 Wishing you…

steel club flow

Steel Clubbell Single Flow Workout

Had a fun little workout this morning with this 12kg clubbell. Was a free flow workout of mainly clubbell mills and reverse mills with some shield casts, shoulder casts and arm casts thrown in for good measure. I you would like to buy your own clubbell, check out our online store here. Or, if you…

club workout

Clubbell Ladders

Instructions: Perform 1-rep of the 1st Clubbell exercise, then 1-rep of the 2nd Clubbell exercise, 1-rep of the 3rd Clubbell exercise etc until you have performed each Clubbell exercise. Then perform 2 reps of each Clubbell exercise, 3 reps each Clubbell exercise until the 20-minutes are up. Exercises: Clubbell Two Handed Arm Cast Clubbell Two…

beginner double clubbell flow

Beginner Double Steel Club Flow

  Instructions: Perform 60-Sec of the following clubbell exercises, complete 4 sets with a 60-Sec rest between each set. Exercises: Double Rock-it Double Swings Double Cleans Double Arm Casts Double Swipes Workout time: 23-mins Wishing you the best of health Dan Clay Dangerously Fit Academy P.S. Want to become a certified steel club instructor? Click…